Yankees Expand Entertainment Options
Inspired by Scott Harper, the risk-taking teen who flung himself from the upper deck of Yankee Stadium into the netting behind home plate, Stanley Kay, Director of Entertainment for the AL New York baseball club, has initiated a new and enterprising amusement option for fans. Called “HomeBASE,” the new program will allow Yankee fans to take leaps from various spots around the house that Ruth built.
“We understand that watching the Yankees play lately has been about as palatable as eating a hot dog from a player’s jock, although it’s been said that Michael Kay might enjoy that kind of thing. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. No relation, by the way,” said Stanley Kay. “So, we’ve created HomeBASE, an exciting new program to get the fans back into Yankee baseball through adrenaline addiction.” BASE stands for building, antennae, span, and earth, the four types of places from which jumpers spring, either into netting or with a parachute. “The Yankees are trying to bridge the gap between baseball and other emerging sports, and HomeBASE is they way we will do it,” continued Kay. Participants in the program will purchase a HomeBASE passport and get a stamp for each jump they complete. Fans will be able to leap from the upper deck into the netting, as Harper did, as well as from the flagpole with the Boston flag, which signifies that team’s position as American League East division leaders, and the famed white facade into the batter’s eye black seats in center field. Should these initial launching points prove popular, the program will expand into other, more extreme options. “Let’s just say that the heights we’re thinking of might even scare Challenger the eagle,” hinted Kay.
Doug Behar, Director of Stadium Operations, worked closely with Kay to engineer the program. “Every position has been completely tested for safety and quality to ensure a first-class jumping experience. Which is more can be said for the play on the field.”
Longtime Yankee fan Jay Van Winkle was enthused about HomeBASE. “That is so totally cool. Yankee Stadium was awesome before, with all the sound effects and stuff, but hurtling through space while the “Cotton Eye Joe” rings through the air--that’s awesome. There’s nothing like this at Fenway, man. 26 to 1!”

Edmund Dantes ∙ 10 August 2005 ∙ 2:50 PM